
Character Analysis: The Book Lisa

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The book “Lisa” is a historical fiction by Carol Matas and is about a young thirteen year old girl named Lisa. Lisa is a thirteen year old girl that has auburn hair and green eyes. Lisa is living during World War II which began in 1939 and didn’t end until 1945. We are introduced to Lisa with her living with her family in the city of Copenhagen in Denmark. The story takes place while Germany was invading Denmark. Lisa, at the beginning of this story is an uninformed, childish, and anxious girl. However, as the war progresses she develops new character traits which help her grow as a person. The four big character traits that she develops are curiosity, self-discipline, perseverance and valiance . These traits all help her develop into …show more content…

Lisa grew from being uninformed, childish, and anxious into an curious, self-discipline, and showed perseverance and showed great valiance. This changed her from the clumsy thirteen year old girl into the sixteen year old freedom fighter that saved the lives of thousands. Lisa finally learned that she could be that one person that changed the outcome of the war. At the beginning Lisa immediately wanted to join in on the war and help fight. She wasn’t ready and struggled with things that held her back. She fought with these things and become what she was then. In the historical fiction “Lisa” Carol Matas has shown that war changes you and mold you. For the better or for the worst. Lisa didn't realize exactly what was going to happen to her. After the events of death and rebellion she saw she had to adapt to the horrible circumstances she faced. Lisa ws molded like a vessel and the potter was the Germans. She was being molded in the way that she had to grow up fast. She had to help raise Sarah in a time of hell. Lisa saw people die and fall under the hand of Germans. She hated them and this molded her into becoming that great leader. The leader of the nation which was being burned to the ground. She was the saviour of the Danish Jews. Lisa was an truly amazing and awe inspiring person. She really was the face of the Jews. Lisa was brave and courageous. I know that lots of people in the circumstances that she was in would cave in. I would, but Lisa pushed through it and helped thousands and saved a great

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