
Character Analysis: The Yellow Wallpaper

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Body Paragraph #1 The story was written in time of heavy debate over women's rights by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. “The Yellow Wallpaper” is about a woman suffering from the effects of insanity but is ignored by her husband and his sister because they believed it was right to leave her alone. She continues to deteriorate day by day, until the night before she is to leave, where she went completely insane. Gilman lived and wrote novels for seventy-five years until she died in 1935. In “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman , the narrator conveys a needed change for women’s mental health issues during a time where isolation and rest were the designated to be the only prescription provided to them. The narrator of the story slowly shows the madness that she possesses, and only gives small hints and clues …show more content…

However, the first real sign of the narrator realizing that something was wrong is shown towards the beginning of the story, when the narrator starts to see a figure in the wallpaper. She writes,”The faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out.” When Gilman says this, it shows that women’s mental health treatment should be changed because the narrator is beginning to see the woman in the wallpaper is really herself and that she is suffering and she needs help. The figure in the wallpaper that she is seeing is really the sane part of her mind trying to break free and tell the others that what they are doing is wrong, that they need to help her, but they are hurting her instead.Gilman does not only involve just the one character linked to a mental illness for help, she tells of many women suffering from the same issue the narrator is going through. That they are ending in madness, same as she, because no one is able to see that the method of cure is majorly flawed. On page 146, in the fifth paragraph, Gilman says,”There are so many of those creeping women, and

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