
Character Analysis: The Yellow Wallpaper

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The “Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Gilman, consists of diary entries written by the narrator, a middle aged mother who has been kept in a room by her doctor and husband due to her health condition. Her husband believes she is suffering from a temporary nervous depression and refuses to even consider that it could be anything otherwise. The narrator suffers from an illness more severe, than what her husband thinks, which leads to her abnormal actions. In the story, the author emphasises on the themes gender inequity and the subordination of women in marriages in the 19th century. Throughout the story, the dominance of John over the narrator is very evident. John’s assumption that his knowledge and wisdom is superior to that of his wife’s, leads him to misjudge and dominate his wife. Gilman shows John's domineering attitude many instances. Firstly, John disregards all suggestions made by the narrator for her own treatment. Secondly, He overrides any decision that they are to make as a couple. Lastly, John intimidates his wife and dismisses all of her ideas and thoughts. …show more content…

John did not allow his wife to make any choices on even the smallest details of her life. He had control over every aspect of her life, which really frustrated her. Albeit, John’s actions were out of love and care, the narrator was going insane from boredom. This is evident in the passage,when Gilman writes “Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change would do me good….I did write in spite of them; it does exhaust me a good deal-- having to be so sly about it or else meet with heavy opposition.” Writing was the only way she was able to express herself and keep busy but that had been forbidden. In order to maintain her sanity she had to do it in secret which left her

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