
Trifles Gender Roles Essay

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Attention: Gender Roles
Explain what is important about the title of “Trifles.” The title of the play refers to the statement “Well, women are used to worrying over trifles.” (561) Where Mr. Peters drawing attention to the broken jars of fruit preserves. I think that Mr. Hale statement was degrading toward the two ladies. When I got farther in the play Mr. Hale changed his mind, because the two women found the minor items that the men did not find while searching for clues.
Sheriff Peters, attorney Henderson, and Mr. Wright’s neighbor Mr. Hale enter a dark unorganized kitchen of the farmhouse. To find that Mr. Wright has been strangled to death with a rope around his neck. His wife is the main suspect. She told attorney Henderson that she was sleeping when someone murders her husband’s. The wives of the investigators look around the farmhouse for clues to solve his death. I learned in the play that Mrs. Wright was one time a cheerful woman. The women’s roles in society have made a major impact in the United States. Women in other countries are looked at as the housekeepers and child bearers.
The play tells the audience the kitchen is a gloomy dark place. When I think of a gloomy kitchen it symbolizes depressing and unorganized space. Mrs. Wright’s kitchen tells me that she did not take care of cleaning the kitchen. Women in early 1900 's were considered as housekeepers. So, when the men saw how her kitchen was they looked down on her. The sheriff got a chair and looked on

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