
Character Foils In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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The world says that all people have a character foil. A character foil is a character or person that serve to highlight the contrasts between each other. There are many characters that are character foils, like Mickey and Goofy, Lieutenant Dan and Forrest Gump. In stories, there will always be someone who highlights the good and bad of another. In The Crucible , written by Arthur Miller Elizabeth Proctor is a character foil to Abigail Williams, because Elizabeth highlights the difference in honesty, she highlights the difference in love and she also highlights the differences each of them have in in their Puritan lifestyle.

Elizabeth Proctor highlights the difference of honesty in Abigail Williams life . Elizabeth is way more honest than Abigail. Abigail is the least honest person there is because to get herself out of trouble when Tituba confessed to witchcraft Abigail named innocent people witches . Like it states “ I saw Goody Hawkins with the devil” (Arthur 1157), which clearly shows that Abigail will do anything to get her name on the board. …show more content…

Puritan women are supposed to be quiet, loyal and respectful. Abigail is not any of those. She acts as if she is in charge of everything. She shows it in the way she talks to Danforth after Abigail is accused of a lie. When Danforth speaks Abigails response is always an attack. She says in one of her attacks “ Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you be so mighty that the power of Hell may not turn your wits?” (Arthur 1205).Elizabeth follows everything that she is supposed to do as a Puritan woman and wife. One example is when she is brought into the court for questioning, as she is being brought in Elizabeth is respectful and loyal. She follows all the rules that Puritan women are to follow. There is a way Puritan women are supposed to act and Elizabeth is that good Puritan woman as said in her name “Goody Proctor” and Abigail is a bad Puritan

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