
Characterisation Of Crooks

Decent Essays

Of Mice and Men, set in 1930’s America is a fictional novella about the plight of ranch workers during the Great Depression. One of the central themes in this piece is loneliness, and Crooks could be viewed as the most isolated character in the novella. The character of Crooks is enhanced by him being a man of colour, making him a victim of prejudice and racism. Steinbeck uses structure in of Mice and Men to present Crooks as an intriguing character. The reader doesn’t meet Crooks properly until Chapter 4 but hear of him through the other ranch workers, so they’re forced to judge Crooks even before anything is known about him in detail. Steinbeck does this to stress the prejudice towards people of colour in the 1930’s and how they would be judged by skin not personality. In chapter two, the reader hears of Crooks in the conversation between Candy and George, as they discuss the boss’s anger at George’s and Lennie’s late arrival to the ranch. Candy says the boss ‘gave the stable-buck hell’, and justifies the action by replying that the …show more content…

Crooks always keeps his distance and ‘demanded others keep theirs’. This could be as he is trying to avoid getting into with others, and ‘demanded’ connotes to authority whereas in reality, he has none. ‘The rattle of halter-chains’ is used frequently in Of Mice and Men, especially chapter 4. It connotes to slavery of the blacks, and how even after it’s long ended Crooks is still suffering from the remnants of his past, which as the reader finds out, makes him a bitter and lonely man. One example of this is how after Lennie enters Crooks’ shed, Crooks talks about how Lennie’s ‘got no right to come in my room.’ He uses his rights as a barrier of protection against white men because he feels violated. He uses ‘my room’ to emphasise that it’s his personal space and his

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