
Characteristics Of A Criminal Street Gang

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Members of the Malibu Locals Only groups could not have chosen a more excluding moniker if they tried. The territorialism is not only palpable in the name, but also in the group’s actions. This research paper, based on Brian Ludeke’s journal article, will show that just as Ludeke states, MLO fits the characteristics of a criminal street gang. Not only does MLO fit the definition of what a reasonable person would believe a street gang to be, but most importantly it fits the definition of a criminal street gang as it is defined in the California STEP act.

According Ludeke’s article, MLO has been responsible for nearly killing a young man, beating another, and threatening witnesses with death if they went to the police. While he recognizes that MLO is not as big a threat or as notorious as other well-known gangs, it does not take away that an emerging gang is a gang nonetheless. Ludeke’s thesis can easily be identified in his article title alone. While he first asks the question of whether MLO is a dangerous street gang, he also answers it by emphasizing the criminal justice system’s failure to identify suburban gangs which by default hurts their efforts to fight them. Failing to identify MLO as a gang prevents law enforcement from finding the correct theory as to why youths join gangs. Since MLO members

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