
Characteristics Of A Representative Democracy

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I. Introduction
Though the modern academic may describe a political regime as a “democracy”, what they almost always imply is that said political regime is a “representative democracy.” A representative democracy obtains its legitimacy from the agency of the people; for a democracy to be representative, officials are elected to represent the interests of their citizens and are thus accountable to both the rules of political institutions and the needs of their constituents. The most basic facets to a representative democracy such as free and fair elections and strong competition between political parties are cornerstones to the structuring of a representative democracy, and yet there are cases within the past century in which representative democracies with elections and competitive political parties descend into authoritarian regimes. So though the election of representatives is paramount to modern democracies, there are other factors that constitute what Leonardo Morlino calls “the qualities of democracy.” Morlino subdivides the qualities of a democracy into rule of law, electoral accountability, institutional accountability, competition, participation, freedom and equality, and responsiveness.
There is no denial that all seven of these criteria Morlino are essential to the establishment and maintenance of a representative democracy. However, I would like to argue that four of the most important aspects to assessing the quality of a democracy are independent branches of

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