
Characteristics Of Abraham Maslow

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Erikson’s theory looks at personality from a developmental perspective. Abraham Maslow, however, studied the positive aspects of people to discover what makes a healthy personality. Through his research, Maslow developed his now famous hierarchy of innate needs. At the bottom of his ascending pyramid are the physiological needs for food and water, and even, according to Maslow, sex. The next level is comprised of safety needs: security, order, and stability. Children need to feel safe and secure in their environment and feel free from fear and anxiety. The third level includes needs for belongingness and love through close relationships with others. After belongingness and love are esteem needs. One will feel a sense of self-worth …show more content…

S. Lewis. Due to the constraints of space, however, only a few will be highlighted. Lewis certainly experienced a sense of awe and wonder, as well as having “peak experiences.” Maslow explains that self-actualized individuals “sometimes feel like spies or aliens in a foreign land” (Maslow, as cited in Heylighen, 1992, para. 27). Lewis (1955) describes experiencing an “intense desire” which he called “joy” (pp. 18-19). In Mere Christianity, Lewis (1952) writes, If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world….I must never let it get snowed under or turned aside; I must make it the main object of life to press on to that other country and to help others do the same. (pp. 136-137) Joy as a peak experience was a focus in Lewis’s life. Wonder, awe and peak “joy” experiences, however, are not his only characteristics. Lewis also exhibited an acceptance of himself and others, authenticity and spontaneity, and displayed a focus on and genuine interest in his friends and colleagues. Those close to Lewis describe him as “unusually cheerful, and [taking] an almost boyish delight” in life (as cited in Nicholi, 2002, p. 115). Furthermore, Lewis was “great fun, an extremely witty and amusing companion...considerate… [and] more concerned with the welfare of his friends than with himself” (as cited in Nicholi, 2002, p. 115). Not only does this description fit with

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