
Characteristics Of Frederick Douglass

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Leaders at church often say, God wants his people to use their unique gifts and talents to serve others. Heroes are a great example of people who use their gifts to serve others; however, their gifts are not always superpowers. In spite of the stereotypes, many heroes are average people with a dream of something better for themselves and others. For instance, Frederick Douglass was a slave, yet he still became a hero. Despite the many trials he escaped and used his gifts of speech and writing to inspire hope in millions. Frederick Douglass spoke about the horrendous experience of being a slave because many people back then did not truly understand. Through these speeches he created a book and years later when the Civil War broke out he convinced the U.S Army to allow African Americans to join to earn freedom. Although, Frederick was not done yet, after they gained freedom he protested that it is pointless for African Americans to be free but not have the same rights as White Americans. These protests led to the abolishment of slavery. Frederick Douglass is clearly a hero, but what characteristics do all heroes need? Simple, a hero must be brave and determined to make a change and they can not be arrogant in any way. Furthermore, in the real world all heroes use bravery as a way to repel fear and their bravery helps others show bravery. For example, Deamonte Love had to show a great amount of bravery when he and a few other children got separated from their parents.

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