
Characteristics Of Gallipoli And The Anzac Legend

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Chris Harry 10 C RBD 14/03/2006 1
Christopher Harry, Prince Alfred College, South Australia
PAC Year 10 History
Essay on Gallipoli and the ANZAC Legend
Question: Courage, mateship, determination, resourcefulness, and a sense of humour are identified as characteristics of the NAZAC tradition and spirit. Select any one or more of these characteristics and explore its/their significance to Gallipoli and in more recent times.
To endure hardships special qualities are needed to help keep going and succeed through adversity. On the 25th April 1915 the ANZAC Legend was born and two qualities emerged, characteristics that would set the Anzacs apart from other soldiers.
As they charged steep cliffs these soldiers found something in themselves to succeed, to triumph over the enemy that was raining fire down upon them. Mateship and determination became strengths that no one could take away from the soldiers that fought, and these two distinguishing qualities are still at the forefront of today’s society, carrying on the traditions and spirit of the past into present time. These distinctly Australian qualities of mateship and determination not only exist, but thrive in a modern Australian society. These are prevalent in our armed forces but also in everyone in society, with Anzac Day a celebration of all these ideals have come to mean. The determination that was showed throughout the Gallipoli campaign gave the soldiers goals to achieve and strength to fight through the bleakest hours.

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