
Characteristics Of Symbols In Santiago And Santiago In Recognizing Omens

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6. How does the king assist Santiago in recognizing omens? When does Santiago use this help? Omens were a guide for Santiago in his journey. The king assist Santiago in recognizing omens by giving his two stones for making decision. “They are called Urim and Thummim. The black signifies ‘yes’, and the white ‘no’. When you are unable to read the omens, they will help you to do so. Always ask an objective question” (Coelho 32). Afterwards, Santiago used two stones after he was robbed by the boy. “Am I going to find my treasure?” he asked (Coelho 44). “He had learned that there were certain things one shouldn’t ask about, so as not to flee from one’s personal legend. “I promised that I would make my own decisions,” he said no to himself (Coelho 44). Santiago is trying to ask the stones for an answer of his question. Santiago’s personal legend is to find treasures. But then the question he had asked is not objective and it’s not a yes or no question. If the stones have given the answer, then it’s end of the journey and it would give it away the ending. 7. What is foreboding? What are two examples of how foreboding is present within the novel thus far? Foreboding is a subcategory of foreshadowing that is always negative. It’s an impending sense of doom which is delivered to the audience through sounds effects, change in atmosphere and/or weather. “The wind began to pick up. He knew that wind: people called it the levanter, because on it the Moors had come from the Levant at

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