
Characteristics of the Amphioctopus Marginatus Essay

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The Amphioctopus Marginatus is of the Kingdom Animalia because like other members of this kingdom, it is both multicellular and is a heterotroph. This species is also part of the phylum Mollusca because like other mollusks, it has a coelom, (letter B on the first phylogeny tree), a visceral body mass, and a mantle (letter C). Furthermore, because it is not part of the phylum Chordata, it does not have the notochord (letter A) (Doc 2). It is of the class Cephalopoda, because like other members of this class, such as Asteroceras Confusum, the Marginatus has a merged head and foot (letter F), a siphon (letter D), and a ring of tentacles (letter E) surrounding the head (Doc 1). As a member of the order Octopoda, this species has eight arms …show more content…

The dark veins, suggest a convergent evolution because no other species in the genus show these lines but other sea floor dwelling animals such as the tasseled angler fish use branched veins to camouflage themselves (Doc 6). The second phylogeny tree shows a closer view at the relationship between members of the family Octopodidae who all have arms that unite at the base of the mantle (letter A). Both the sub-Family of Bathypolypodinae and the Eledoninae have poisonous venom (letter B) (Doc 8). The Bathypolypodiane also have extensive membrane connecting their tentacles (letter C). The Benthoctopus and Bathypolypus both do not have an ink sac (letter D) unlike the Teretoctopus (Doc 6). The Letter E represents a small body size something that is common in both the Arcticus and Valdiviae (Doc 6). The Bathypolypus Arcticus has a relatively large lifespan - six years- (letter F) unlike the Valdiviae which live for approximately one to three years (Doc 4). The letter G represents a differently shaped Hectocotylus found only in the Bathypolypus Valdiviae (Doc 9). The letter H represents the presence of conical papillae (Doc 1). The letter I represents the presence of poisonous venom which is found in the genus Hapalochaena and can be deadly (Doc 7). The letter J represents large eggs - something that is common only to the members of the genus Ameloctopus (Doc 2). The letter K represents a deep lateral and a short dorsal web (Doc

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