
Characters In The Film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

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For the film, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, there are characters who all lie so they can personally gain for themselves. Ever since Ransom goes to Shinbone, it sparks an upheaval of civil events, such as “holding an election”, “wanting statehood”, and “education” (Ford), all in a settled community. But there is disapproval from those wants, as the big ranch farmers in the country do not want a government over them, as it would limit their trade and minimize their profits. So, they take it upon themselves to settle the disagreement by promoting their side of the cause and trying to deceive others by showing the benefits of remaining merely a colony. They lie to the public for their own personal gain, as they say that they want to keep …show more content…

He comes and tells Marlowe about the location of where Eddie’s wife is and how all the characters are connected for only one sole reason, which is to earn money so that he and Agnes can go and live their lives. He is willing to sacrifice his life, as Eddie can find out this traitor and kill him, just so he can be with Agnes. In the end, after he told Marlowe the secret, Lash Canino finds and grills him about where Agnes is. But Harry, wanting to desperately be the brave man for her, denies everything until the end. He tells him that it is “up on Bunker Hill, Apartment 301 (Chandler 174), a wrong location, but Lash still ruthlessly drugs and kills Tom as he “drank [his] cyanide” from the drink they shared (178). Now when Agnes hears of this story, it will tell her that her man sacrificed the ultimate price of his life for her so that they could live together in harmony. Also, Marlowe’s relationship with Vivian has also increased greatly due to deception. Vivian has possessed a negative image of Marlowe ever since he has stepped into the Sternwood residence, by her constant pressure to ask what his task is. But when Marlowe does not tell anyone about the truth of where Rusty is, their relationship betters, as he also does not take money from Vivian to keep this secret. All he wants is the best for Carmen too, as he says to “take her away [...] where they can handle her type” (228), and this shows that he cares about

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