
Characters Of Spider Man

Decent Essays

Three Fictional Characters Essay

You need someone who goes out of their way to make it obvious that they want you in your life such as family, friend and the person that you really love. There are many ways that I could be able to describe myself like with different kind of characters. Let me tell you the three main characters that I can really relate to and how their characteristics are related to me. The three fictional characters that most represent my personality are Spider-Man from the movie Spider-man for his helping out and caring for people, King Kong from the movie King Kong for his strength and defense of his own territory and family, and Jumba from Lilo and Stitch for his loving nature and protection of his family from enemies.

Even though Spider-Man has a costume and can let out a web to climb or to get to places in the Spider-Man movie, that doesn't mean that we don’t have similarities; we both like helping people and taking care of them as well. When the audience is first introduced to Spider-Man, he is visiting a museum where there is a different kind of species because he is a photographer from the school that he attended. While trying to take a picture, he notices that there is a spider missing from the box, but until the spider was crawling down and landing on to Peter’s hand, he got bitten by it. Spider-Man’s classmates are not kind to him, just because of the way that he is, which causes him to try to get along with other people who are nicer to him.

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