
Charles Darwin 's Theory Of Evolution And Natural Selection

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Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He died on April 19, 1882 in Kent, England ( Editors). Charles Darwin brought many revolutionary visions to the world of science, including evolution. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist. He is best known for his theory of evolution, and natural selection. Darwin learned most of his information on the Voyage of the Beagle, and from this trip he wrote a book, Of the Origin of Species. From this book, came the saying “Survival of the Fittest.” Charles Darwin accomplished many things with his life. He still has many fans and followers because of his discoveries. Darwin was the second youngest of six children. He came from a long line of family studying science ( Editors.). Darwin’s parents were both doctors, and his grandfather was a botanist. “Botany is the study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance,” ( Charles’ mother died when he was only eight years old, so he was raised by his three sisters. Darwin’s family was wealthy ( Editors.). Darwin attended Edinburgh University along with his brother, Erasmus. His father, Robert Darwin, wanted both his children to become physicians. Darwin did not enjoy the study of medicine. He became queasy at the sight of blood (Wyhe). Darwin left Edinburgh, and then attended Christ’s College in

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