
Child And Youth Survey : The And Nichols Was A Longitudinal Study Design Using Data From High School Essay

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There were several relevant variables used in this study. The control variables used were demographic, socioeconomic, and other adversity variables such as sex, ethnicity, poverty status, mother’s educational attainment, cognitive ability, and home environment quality. The dependent variables in this study were related to academic outcomes such as extended absences and failure to graduate from high school. The independent variables used were parental incarceration, sibling incarceration, and other household member’s incarceration (Loper and Nichols, 2012).

The study by Lopers and Nichols was a longitudinal, study design using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, Child and Youth survey (NLSY 2010), which included women and their children. According to Lopers and Nichols, “Out of the sample, 585 met criteria for the household incarceration status, to be compared to 2,753 individuals who did not experience household incarceration” (p. 5). Furthermore, it was not possible to determine if the sample was consistent with national trends since statistics for this specific population are unavailable. However, the sample included a 6.7% incarceration rate which is consistent with other published studies. Out of this sample 39% reported parental incarceration, 31% reported sibling incarceration, and 18.6% reported other household member incarceration. Furthermore, 10.9% reported incarceration of several types of family members. Data was used from 11 waves of the

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