
Child Extubation Essay

Decent Essays

After a systematic search in PubMed using the terms “extubation in children after liver transplantation” and “extubation in pediatric liver transplantation “,only 5 related studies were found out of 19 and 11 articles respectively. All 5 studies are retrospective in nature. In view of ethical difficulties to conduct randomized trials in the pediatric population (11), the studies conducted so far were influenced to make conclusions based on exploration of the available adult liver transplant studies which were both prospective and retrospective in nature. The final conclusion of all these studies was adoption of early extubation after the surgery. Couple of studies tried in establishing the advantage of immediate extubation in the operating room itself as the best choice to help in the reduction of respiratory complications, and decreasing LOS in hospital (4-6). The most recent study by Nora et al (10) reported that particular anesthesia usage is not so …show more content…

Some factors such as preexisting malnutrition, ascites, pulmonary and/or cardiac dysfunction, impaired consciousness, concerns about graft-recipient mismatch, graft function, vessel patency, depressive effects of analgesia, disturbances in maintaining O2 saturation or PaCO2 levels, hemodynamic instability and copious tracheal secretions that can’t be expectorated may necessitate the need for reintubation (5,11). Hence, there may be an obvious need for mechanical ventilation during respiratory insufficiency but there is a need to note its deleterious effect on prolonged usage (3) also, criteria for extubation must consider the relative risk of reintubation (12).Thus a protocol /guidelines is/are to be defined for a relative period of time for extubation of the patient or need for prolonged intubation to avoid re-intubation and its complications.

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