
Child Has A Rare Genetic Disorder

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Iris’ eyes dilated with terror as she held her newborn. “My baby!” Iris wept. “What’s wrong with my baby?!”

Shriveled skin and huge oozing blisters plagued the baby 's entire body as it shrieked almost as loud as Iris ' wailing.

"I 'm sorry, Ms. Macadamia, but your child has developed a rare genetic disorder,"

"--But it will go away...won 't it?! My baby won 't be a monster forever?"

"Ma 'am your child has butterfly syndrome. I 'm sorry."

"No! My precious baby! Can 't you fix it?! I 'd do anything!"

The doctors exchanged anxious glances.

"We could cocoon your baby...but not many babies have been cocooned yet--"

"Please! Please, anything!"

"Ms. Macadamia, this process is not entirely safe and we are unsure of …show more content…

She knew this was what was right. This is what her husband would want her to do.

"Okay Ms. Macadamia. As long as your son is in his cocoon, you may visit him, but he will not be conscious."

"Thank you. God bless you, Dr. Fern."

One week zipped by before Iris left the hospital, dewy-eyed. The next time she 'd be with her boy he would be taller and heavier. He 'd have actual hair and longer fingers and bigger feet. But he would be cured.

On her first visit a couple weeks later, she examined her child. His wounds from birth had deceptively shrank, he had been released from his protective shelter, he would have many more outbreaks. His genetic disorder would have to be completely out of his system in order to save him from an abnormal life.

"Good morning, Ms. Macadamia," said a doctor with porcelain skin and diamond eyes. "Today I have been assigned to show you how our cocoon works. It is required that anyone participating in an experiment must understand exactly what they are doing."

Iris nodded, watching her baby, comatose in his safe-haven.

"In this machine, his DNA will be meticulously altered so that he no longer possesses the symptoms of Epidermolysis Bullosa." Iris smiled. "But you do understand, he will be five years old by the time the cocooning process is over."

"Yes, I would rather give him the life he deserves no matter the time it takes. '

"Okay, Ms. Macadamia. Today is the last day that you may have any

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