
Child Soldiers And Child Pirates: An Analysis

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Push and Pull Factors for Child Soldiers and Child Pirates
Conradi (2013) explains, child soldiering and child piracy are both considered an act of human trafficking. To demonstrate, although the minor carries out the act, the adult is in a position of power supervising the minor. In this brief discussion, I will focus on the “push and pull factors of child soldiering” and child piracy discussed in Chapter 4 (Haer, 2017). Although, child piracy was not discussed in the chapter, I found the topic to be relevant to the discussion.
To define, “push factors” in this context are, the reasons children join a criminal entity and the “pull factors” are the reasons why criminal organizations recruit children (Haer, 2017). Haer (2017) indicates, the push factors that drive children to join criminal organizations vary from their impoverished conditions to the glamour of the lifestyle, etc. (Haer, 2017). On the other hand, the “pull” factors that drive criminal entities to recruit children include: “they obey orders, they are not concerned to get back to a wife or family, the know no fear, etc.” (Haer, 2017, p. 67). …show more content…

According to Whitman (2013) “child soldiers and child pirates face similar life-threatening dangers and are both exploited by adults in similar ways” (p. 228). Additionally, Whitman (2013) argues the “children are shifted from different contexts of exploitation” considering their skills are transferable across criminal activities (p. 229). For instance, in 2013, while piracy attacks reduced, simultaneously the militant group, “Al-Shabaab, gained ground on land in Somalia” (p. 229). Dalhousie Marine Piracy Project (DMPP) claims, “as the conflict on land intensifies the levels of marine piracy decline” (Whitman,

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