
Childhood Abuse Or Neglect And Genetically Such As Relative With Mental Health Problems

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There are some people who been through childhood abuse or neglect and genetically such as relative with mental health problems. “Demographics and trauma history with age, gender, educational level, employment status, marital status, history of psychological intervention counselling, current use of psychotropic medication, type of trauma, time since the trauma and following traumatic event” (Karatzias et. al, 2013, p. 503). Not all trauma survivors will develop permanent PTSD disorders and some may be later on will be affected. The risk factors: environmental, demographic, prior psychiatric disorder, personality dimensions, dissociation, biological and cognitive risk factors. “In the end, the impact of an environmental event, such as a …show more content…

The prolonged threats with the greater the risk of developing PTSD. The human-inflicted examples are rape, assault, and torture. The role that plays to the certain extent to which the traumatic event was unexpected, uncontrollable, and inescapable. The significance of beliefs are illustrated by the fact that although the threat to life consistently emerges as a powerful predictor in studies of populations as diverse as combat veterans, political prisoners, assault victims, and motor vehicle accident victims. Pathology There are many signs and symptoms. One of the signs in the beginning could be a specific genetic mechanism. The pathological reaction to the case to trauma. The traumatic stress effects in the brain. It determines the abnormal adaptation of neurological systems to the stress of seeing trauma. The list of signs and symtoms of PTSD: having flashbacks, nightmare, anxiety, repeated disturbing memories of the event, repeated nightmares of the event, strong, uncomfortable reactions to situations that remind you of the event, avoidance, an emotional numbing or feeling as though you do not care about anything, feeling detached, showing less of your moods, avoiding places, people, or thoughts that remind you of the event, feeling like you have no future, always scanning your surroundings for signs of danger, not able to concentrate, startling easily, feeling irritable or having outbursts of anger, trouble falling or staying asleep, and may feel guilt about

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