
Childhood Development And Parental Drug Use Essay

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I. Introduction
Parenting is the ultimate long-term investment and it can be one of the most rewarding jobs. It starts with talking, reading, and nurturing infants which leads to clear values in adolescents. Parents have an enormous influence over their children 's development and although kids come with their own temperaments, it is ultimately the parents ' job to provide an interface with the world to help the child prepare for complete independence in a rapidly changing world. Parents play the lead supporting role in their children 's learning and development and influence a child 's well-being. But what happens when a child’s parents are not actively involved in their lives and abuse drugs? This study asks: Is there is a link between early stages of childhood development and parental drug use?
II. Literature Review
The United States Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center (2011) states that “drugs change brains and this may lead to addiction so it is imperative that prevention starts in reducing these risks early”. The most critical time drug abuse increases in adults is during times of transition such as a divorce or loss of a job. In early adolescence, social and academic challenges allow for greater exposure in the school environment. High school welcomes greater availability of drugs and at the same time normal behaviors such as the desire to try new things or take greater risks, may increase teen tendencies to experiment. Using abusable substances

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