
Childhood Obesity In Canada

Decent Essays

Obesity is an ailment that is often correlated with having an overabundance of body fat, influenced by a series of factors that may be challenging to administer when dieting. Obesity is distinguished as having a Body Mass Index of 30 or above, and rates among children in Canada have nearly tripled in the last 30 years. Approximately 31.5 per cent of children were classified as overweight or obese between 2009 – 2011 (Stats Canada, 2012.) This paper will primarily focus on the short and long term effects of childhood obesity, childhood obesity in Toronto, and what initiatives are being taken to decrease this matter.
Scientifically, obesity is construed as surplus adipose tissue. Adipose tissue emits multiple commodities, such as lipids and …show more content…

Many entities living in the city occupy an inactive lifestyle, which can easily clout the intake of calories every day and overpower the number of calories charred through routine daily activities. Family members tend to share similar eating and activity habits, if someone in a household is not very active, they will not burn as many calories. Similarly, a child may not have been educated on healthy methods of eating, or a family may not be able to afford healthy food options. Consider the average family in a Toronto household, parents are working, unable to cook the healthiest of meals; a diet that is immense in calories, lacking in fruits and vegetables, and full of take-out contributes to weight gain, whether someone realizes it or …show more content…

Choosing nutrient-dense foods containing high-quality calories and spreading them evenly throughout the day, together with regular exercise, remain key factors in managing weight and staying healthy. Toronto is making it easier for people to make informed and healthy choices about what to eat when dining out. Ontario is the first province in Canada to require food service providers with 20 or more locations in the province to include the number of calories for each food and beverage item on their menus. Fats are calorie-dense, so having the nutrition facts up and visible will assist a child and their families in choosing foods that are lower in fat, especially if they are trying to make significant eating choices. When it comes to restaurants, especially fast food chains, many people do not realize how many calories they are consuming; having these calories present is not only eye opening, but incredibly motivating when it comes to making informed choices. This initiative may then proceed to motivate a child and their parents to dig deeper into nutritional facts, educating themselves on the amount of saturated fat and trans fats in each serving. They will want to choose foods that are low in saturated and extremely low in trans fats, as not only will it support their obesity, but can raise their blood cholesterol and increase risk of heart

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