
Children Charged As Adults : Justice Or Not? Essay

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Children Charged as Adults: Justice or Not?
Gina Picketts
Kellogg Community College

In the film 15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story by Nadine Pequeneza the account of Kenneth Young appealing his sentence of four life terms without the possibility of parole is detailed. Young was only 15 years-old when he was charged as an adult for armed robbery and sentenced to life behind bars. Why is it okay for the justice system to charge adolescents as adults? As a nation we can’t logically expect children to be held to the same standards as adults and do so only when criminal courts deem it fit. Charging children as adults for any crime is not only a far cry from being a deterrent but it is also fails to provide justice for all of the individuals involved.
Children Charged as Adults: Justice or Not?
As the crime rate in America increases, so does the chance of children being charged as adults in criminal court. Currently our nation is fighting a war against crime and unfortunately some of the offenders are children, children who are not of legal age to drive, vote, or join the military. In a country that legally defines being an adult as being 18 years-old, how is it possible that a 15 year-old boy can be charged in criminal court as an adult and be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole? In the documentary 15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story by Nadine Pequeneza, a 15 year-old boy named Kenneth Young who was charged as an adult for armed robbery and sentenced

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