
Children With Disabilities : Right Vs Wrong

Best Essays

Tierra West
Children with Disabilities: Right Vs Wrong
Tennessee State University

Proposed research Topic- Children with disabilities and their education: Right Vs Wrong
Research Question-Should children with learning disabilities be allowed in classrooms or should they have their own class with professionally trained special needs teachers
It was stated that not everyone including teachers and students are excited about disabled students being in the mainstream classroom. The government accounting office (GAO) released a report to the congressional committee on labor and education about the treatment of special needs in the public schools. As we know special needs children are those diagnosed with a variety of disabilities and are placed in classes designed to improve their opportunities for learning. Some of these disabilities can cause the child to be very hyperactive which causes them to move around a lot and find it difficult to focus their attention on tasks. As a result teachers find these kids to be very disruptive whether they are in a mainstream class or special education class. Consequently, disabled children are not getting appropriate, specialized attention and care, and the “regular students” education is being disrupted constantly. Which brings me to my research question; “Should children with disabilities mental or physical disability be allowed to attend public schools?” Education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of

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