
Chipotle's Dilemmas

Decent Essays

The main principles of a strong damage control relation are to never deceive or mislead your audience, provide information as quickly and cleanly as possible and stay active in meeting consumer concerns or critiques.
Deceiving or misleading your audience is an important aspect of all company relations, not just damage control, and should always be the number one priority of any public relations manager. While it is obviously wrong and highly unethical to try and mislead your consumers, the benefits to successfully achieving it are clearly and potentially quite valuable. If Target, for example, could have gotten away with only announcing a breach of a few hundred thousand consumers they would have looked far better than they did in reality. Also, if Chipotle could have avoided admitting that they had given their customers E.coli they would have saved …show more content…

Still, it is challenging to get consumers excited and willing to view the content that you produce for your campaigns. You must provide unique, interesting and new ideas in order to convince consumers that your brand needs to be a part of their daily conversations. As I stated in my own reflection, a brand needs to impress me in order to get me to tell my friends and family about their products. This also applies to public relations campaigns, as a company needs to produce content that is worthy of my time.
The Pepsi Max public relations stunt is a good example of a fun event that can generate some viral marketing potential and also provides consumers in the area with something to tell their friends about. Still, it is challenging to come up with new ideas constantly and it is just as easy to have a viral marketing success as it is to have a failure. Hiring top creative talent and providing them with the resources to succeed is a big part of creating an atmosphere that will more likely breed successful marketing

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