
Chivalry Today Research Paper

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Does Chivalry Live Today?

In current society people are becoming more impatient, disrespectful, and self-centered. While this self-centered attitude may fulfill immediate needs, long-term consequences of this lifestyle can lead to the erosion of society. The problem is that younger generations are adopting this new lifestyle where they become more selfish and rude. Thus, everyone around them becomes selfish, and, as a result, society as a whole loses chivalry. Some people say chivalry is dead, however, practicing chivalrous acts every day can help prevent this egocentrism and keep this quintessential trait alive. There are many examples of how the lack of chivalry is eroding society. For example, today there is a general accepted lack of respect today including race and authority figures. Lately there has been an upsurge in violent crime towards authority. For example, the article, …show more content…

Individuals do not intervene when they see injustice, and, as a result, the bullies keep taunting. According to, 90 percent of teens who have seen bullying say they ignored it. Also, 80 percent of kids say they have been taunted or bullied in school at some point in their life. In fact, five out of six people who see an injustice will walk by and do nothing proving that people rarely protect their own kind. Bullying, in various forms, is the most substantial issue in society. Consequently, an incorrect example is set and most likely followed, thus, the act of protection is

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