
Choices Regarding The Attendance Of College Essay

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Choices regarding the attendance of college can be challenging for just about anyone. Some believe that the four-year college experience is becoming increasingly obsolete and that it should be reserved for only the brightest citizens as most people are either uninterested or unfit for it. Charles Murray, author of “Are too Many People Going to College,” holds that the system of post-secondary education has become derailed from its initial purpose, and that the failure to acquire a B.A. has become wrongfully stigmatized. (235-244). In contrast, many posit that college is the prime opportunity for people to explore their potential and gain the economic and social liberty that comes with increased knowledge. Michelle Obama, author of the 2013 Bowie State Commencement Speech, asserts that a college education creates the opportunity for an individual to explore his or her own talents and abilities, thus allowing for freedom in career options, greater salaries, sociopolitical involvement, even greater lifespans (289-291). College is as path that everyone with the opportunity and ability should pursue as it allows individuals to cultivate their personalities and expose themselves to subjects not seen in high school, all while creating a firm educational foundation that will aid in the search of jobs and development in careers as well making informed life choices such those pertaining to personal finance and politics. College is an opportunity that everyone who is willing and able

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