
Choices in Robert Forst´s The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

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Life is based on the choices that people make. Daily, people face choices that have positive and negative outcomes in life. For example, deciding to go out on a Saturday night, instead of doing an important poetry paper; perhaps achieving a good grade is not on the agenda for Saturday. Consequently, this leaves a person with regret as they reflect back on their D mark. An example of a positive choice, is graduating college and starting a career. However, there are choices in life that are not simple to make. Choices such as the ones that alter one’s path in life. It would be great if there was always a guiding light to show people the way. Robert Frost wrote many didactic poems with the intent to teach people about decision making. The poems “The Road Not Taken” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, are both didactic in nature because they reveal a common theme of life-changing decisions.
The poem “The Road Not Taken”, focuses on the theme of choices. Frost accomplished the theme by using conflict and imagery. Every single person, at one point in their life or another, faces a fork on the road that causes a conflict. Conflict on choices, begins an inner battle within one’s self and it causes turmoil. For example, the quote “Two roads diverge in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both (Frost line 1)”, the narrator in this poem has to make one choice; he has to go either one direction or another in life and he cannot look back. The choice itself

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