
Choosing College Majors

Decent Essays

“Write a brief essay explaining why you have selected your area of study.” There are many different options for college majors, and careers to choose from, and I have a wide variety of interests, ranging from math, to creative writing, to medieval studies and linguistics, to criminology, lie detection and forensic accounting. As a result, trying to decide on a profession was more than a little difficult. After a lot of research and careful consideration, I have decided to study actuarial science, because it seems interesting, actuaries are employable, and it is a realistic goal for me. I’ve always found both logic and math interesting and enjoyable. I have vivid memories of how excited I when I was one of the first kids in my fourth grade class to figure out long division, and of being in algebra class and helping my group be the first to come up with the right answer. I take pleasure in seeing problems work out the way they should, and have been known to try to work out problems long after all of my classmates gave up on them. Probability is also interesting to me, and I enjoyed that part of my …show more content…

As a result, as much as I love medieval language and history, it looked like I would have to go on and get a master’s degree and either work in a museum somewhere, or teach it at the college level if I were to choose that as my major. The situation is similar for English and writing fields: my only realistic option is to go on and teach it somewhere, and that just wasn’t what I wanted to do. On the other hand, careers in the science and math fields are in high demand nowadays, so my options in the STEM areas seemed much more viable to me. For that reason, over the last couple of years, actuarial science has increasingly seemed like my best career

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