
Chris Mccandless Analysis

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Grabber - “Thin Between Love and Hate” is a popular 1970’s song that highlights the possibility of caring for someone one minute and suddenly disliking them the next minute because of an intense situation. Neutral Bridge - This song relates to enjoyment and stupidity in life because a person can have the tendency to want to have fun but end up taking imprudent and hazardous steps in order to fulfill their amusement. Specific Bridge - Death of an Innocent written by Jon Krakauer features the unpredictable events that result from the radical acts of an individual named Chris McCandless. Thesis - Chris McCandless’ wilderness expeditions transfigured him into an imbecile because he demonstrated signs of being overconfident, negligent, and stubborn.
Topic Sentence - When an individual’s talents exceed others, they may have the tendency to showcase cockiness. Claim - Chris’ uncommon survival talents caused him to fall into a deadly trap at exhibiting reckless behavior. Support - One of the first mistakes that Chris made during peregrination was him getting ahead of himself by believing that he was capable of surviving in the wilderness. This is the case because it is apparent that “he intended to walk deep into the bush and ‘live off the land for a few months.’ ” (Krakauer 1). Analysis - By wanting to live in the middle of nowhere, Chris took an extreme measure that he would never be able to recover from. More specifically, his irrational mindset opened the door for his downfall

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