
Chris Mccandless Isolation Quotes

Decent Essays

13. The quote by Doctor Zhivago in Chapter 18 foreshadows some important things. The quote directly related to Chris’ current situation. Chris felt that he needed to be alone to find and understand himself, to find a purpose in life, although Chris’ problem could have been solved in a different, safer, and more effective way. Chris believe selective isolation from society was the correct way to remedy his problem; therefore he cut off all ties with his family and friends, and spent life on the road. The quote also mentions life as sacrifice. “the idea of free personality and the idea of life as sacrifice.”(187), this is a lifestyle choice lived by Thoreau, Chris McCandless, and many others like them. Chris, living life as sacrifice, truly foreshadows his downfall. Chris’ life was a sacrifice to mankind, for the …show more content…

The only person to blame for Chris’ death is himself. There are many reasons and explanations backing this point up. Chris wanted to go out into the wilderness by himself to try to better understand himself. Chris wanted a detox from society. There are many other ways to get away from society, but Chris went to the extreme. Chris had many opportunities once he was on his own to survive and continue on with life “ he shot at a bear but missed. On August 10, he saw a caribou but didn’t get a shot off” (197). This is Chris’ fault for missing a shot on that bear, if he was better trained for the situation and better equipped he could have pulled it off. Chris also lacked the proper equipment to survive in the wild “By design McCandless came into the country with insufficient provisions, and he lacked certain pieces of equipment deemed essential by many Alaskans: a large-caliber rifle, map and compass, an ax.”(180). Chris could have taken the advice that many others had given him, and take the proper equipment. Chris ignored these people, which eventually brought him to his demise. In conclusion, Chris has no one to blame but himself for his own

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