
Christopher Character Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Christopher, a fifteen year old boy, has autism. It makes him an unique character and author. Although Christopher struggles to understand simple concepts that many others understand. Christopher doesn’t understand the thoughts and feelings of other people; therefore he can’t empathize with others. Due to his lack of understanding, Christopher tends to avoid social situations at all costs. However, Christopher is still bright in his own way. He is extremely gifted in math and science. He uses his academic gift to maintain order in his life a variety of different ways. Christopher relies on logic and order to interact with others. A major example of Christopher using logic and order to keep order is the investigation. Christopher absolutly loves to solve problems; therefore, he couldn't stay away from solving the murder of Wellington, despite his father's wishes. Christopher decides to keep a journal of his findings and feelings during the investigation. This journal is actually the book we are reading. In the journal, the audience gets a clear image of what is going on in Christopher’s mind. The audience sees how Christopher likes to keep his work organized and factual. He says things straightforward, and doesn’t leave any room for inference or imagination. However …show more content…

“I think I would make a very good astronaut. To be a good astronaut you have to be intelligent and I'm intelligent. You also have to understand how machines work and I'm good at understanding how machines work. You also have to be someone who would like being on their own in a tiny space craft thousands and thousands of miles away (Christopher 50). This quote shows how Christopher craves to be independent. He doesn't like relying on others and having authority figures. In this case he wants to break away from his dad. Overall, the journal serves as an outlet for Christopher since he can’t communicate his feelings with

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