
Christopher Columbus 's First Voyage

Decent Essays

Since Christopher Columbus’s first voyage in 1492, several systems of labor have entered and exited through Latin America. Beginning with the Encomienda, established by King Ferdinand, continuing on to Repartimiento, the abolition of slavery and ensuing of a contract of forced labor, and arriving ultimately at the transatlantic slave trade, responsible from flourishing slavery throughout Latin America. Each labor system had flaws and weren’t extremely well thought out; as such, the systems all eventually met their demise (Martin.) The system of encomienda began to decline as the Crown used principles of favoritism to assign landowners, as well as disease struck. The system of the Repartimiento due to the mass exploitation, was weak from civil wars, the fleeing of natives, and disease. The system of slavery for plantation ended due to inhuman treatment, as well as inequality, and a ‘harsh hierarchy’, as Eakin says. Although, all three labor systems were motivated by the idea of colonizing new land, the end of their respective systems were due to similar and differing factors (Eakin.)
In 1497, Christopher Columbus instituted the first known instances of the encomienda system, in where Colonists profited from the force of labor on the natives. The encomienda system granted the right by the crown to the colonists, the power of land and labor. In return for the grant of land the Spaniard, or encomenderos, was responsible for protecting the natives and leading them to Christianity

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