
Civil Disobedience By Rosa Parks

Decent Essays

Free society means that everyone receives the same opportunities, no matter what race, gender, and/or sexual orientation a person may be. Throughout history, there have been many instances in which heroes went against different discriminatory laws in a peaceful manner. These actions have helped the United States become a freer society.
One of the most famous acts of peaceful disobedience was by Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks went against the Jim Crow laws and would not give up her seat for a white man, who was at the time her superior because she was a black woman. She was arrested because she refused. When she was arrested, it sparked the protest of all public busses that lasted over a year, which was led by Martin Luther King, Jr. This also created a court case against “Alabama’s discriminatory laws” that was taken to the …show more content…

This act of peaceful disobedience was one of the acts that started the Civil Rights Movement that eventually created equality between blacks and whites in the United States. Though there is still conflicts between blacks and whites in today’s time, there is an equal opportunity for everyone in public areas, job markets, and educational environments. This equality would not be possible if Rosa Parks would have not refused to give up her seat.
There are many different authors who believe that civil disobedience is not the way to go, that it does not solve anything. For example, Robert A. Goldwin writes in “The Case against Civil Disobedience” how “civil disobedience … is an altogether secondary and derivative matter…” He goes on about how civil disobedience is a way for people who want to stand up for their rights can without any harsh punishment and if these people are too scared to do anything violent. Though Goldwin makes a good point about the unimportance of civil disobedience, the fact is that civil disobedience

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