
Civil Disobedience: Unjust Law

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Civil disobedience is one of the most peaceful ways to protest an unjust law in a free society and allows individuals to bring a law under public scrutiny. Free societies allow every citizen to make their opinion known and published, but if an important opinion is published in a smaller newspaper, it may not receive much attention or consideration. Civil disobedience is necessary because it brings attention to injustice by actively demonstrating oppression and mistreatment. The phrase "actions speak louder than words" is common, but not only do actions speak louder than words, but throughout history they have proven to be the only main way to push others in a society to action. When Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat to a white man aboard a bus in Montgomery, she demonstrated the power of actions and civil disobedience. The power did not lie in Parks' actions alone, but rather in the unrest that existed in 1955 between races in the United States. The simple protest made many question the legitimacy of the law in a way that no newspaper article or emotional speech could. Not only did it raise questions, it sparked action throughout the surrounding community. Protests were …show more content…

However, in the modern day, civil disobedience has been used to protest in different ways. One of the most recent examples is the sit-in that happened on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in June, 2016. Several members of the Democratic party organized the sit-in to push for gun control laws to be implemented. While the members were not being oppressed, the sit-in certainly brought attention to the issue and showed the power of civil disobedience. While their actions were not entirely illegal, the sit-in halted government progress for over a day and did raise awareness to their cause, much like the civil disobedience demonstrated by Rosa Parks and MLK

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