
Civil War Dbq

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In the year of 1861, the Civil War, one of the bloodiest, most terrifying wars of all time, took place in American History. This four year war between the Southern and Northern states was fought over African American Rights and the issue of slavery itself. The Civil War, probably the most divisive war to ever be fought, turned the United States, a nation of unity, into a country of sectionalism, well-disputed and divided by attitudes and overall lifestyles. There were many different causes and explanations that led up to this major conflict, but the election of 1860 was the first milestone in a long series of events that turned into the Civil War. This pivotal point in U.S History, Abraham Lincoln’s becoming of president, was a big, if not, …show more content…

They knew that he would preserve the union at all costs, which scared them even more.
Abraham Lincoln was very open about his opposition for slavery and its expansion, but said that he would not interfere with it, as it was vital to the Southern economy and environment. Still, he passionately opposed it and its expansion into western territories, serving as one of the most important and influential supporters of free people. Even before Lincoln won the election, he was against slavery. The anti-slavery platform that he created made him extremely unpopular with the Confederate states.
Lincoln’s running had enraged the Southerners, yet, in a way, encouraged them to secede from the Union even more. The election was very unusual and different; the important southern Democratic leaders actually wanted their party to lose so that they could have an excuse to leave the Union. Abraham Lincoln winning the election enabled them to secede. They felt that by Lincoln wanting to abolish slavery, it gave them a reason the break away from the rest of the states because they believed secession was more peaceful, and by leaving, they wouldn’t have to worry about Lincoln and slavery

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