
The Great Depression And The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Decent Essays

The Great Depression decimated the economy in the 1930s. Specifically, men of the workforce experienced layoffs, the loss of incomes resulted in inability to purchase goods, the low demand led to oversupply, and the cycle restarted by employers cutting more jobs. In an effort to combat the depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt ignited the New Deal: a plan to revive the failing economy. One program, titled the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), assisted successfully in gradually rekindling the workforce. In addition, the CCC influenced future decisions on similar situations such as granting employment following the 2008 economic recession.
The CCC was a labor act established in 1933. It decreased the unemployment rate over 9 years by providing jobs to unemployed, young men affected by the Great Depression. Jobs provided by the CCC included contributions to park development, natural and historic site preservation, and forest management. In return for the work, the employees received a small income, education, and, in some cases, shelter. However, in 1934, government officials such as the assistant secretary of war, Harry H. Woodring, believed this program appeared …show more content…

For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, following the 2008 recession, saw growth in the US economic status. Under this act, a list of programs was set known as the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) programs. The WIA was an unemployment relief program centered on granting funds for the continuing workforce. It refrained from military training seen in the CCC and focused primarily on the workforce’s survival or benefit. For example, Youth Activities involves placing young men and women into summer employment to gain occupational experience. The programs also offered a more desirable pay rate in comparison. Rather than a meager, unfulfilling income provided by the CCC, the WIA offers incomes at or fairly above minimum

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