
Classroom Observation And Intellectual Analysis

Decent Essays

For this activity I decided to go to one of the busiest places here at The College of New Jersey, The Library Cafe. This is place is usually filled with people around Meal Equiv, so I decided to go there and “people watch.” Then I proceeded to select someone at random and then started to fill out the chart. I selected this person because as soon as they walked in they had a smile on their face and good aura around them, unlike the other students at the Library cafe whose body language screamed stress. I noticed this person right away because I tend to approach people and build relationships with people more easily if I see a common trait. I love to smile and laugh, and I love to see people smile and laugh as well, which is why as soon as …show more content…

I was seeing the way she was helping out her friends with work, which is why I noted that she was resourceful. I decided what was most important based on my own set of values, beliefs, and how I communicate and interact with others. Because I like to see myself in others before I proceeded to start a relationship, the things that I decided that were the most important things about this person are things that I consider important. I like it when a person, is friendly, welcoming, kind, respectful, and fun, and this girl had all of these characteristics and more. Because we are human beings and at times we do things without realizing, such as creating an impression of people based on who they are helped me make my judgment about the target. The fact that it was a female of color made me feel a sense of identification. While I am not a female myself, I mostly interact with females, and just like the girl I was observing at the Library Cafe, I am a Person of Color. I did not have a lot of guessing to do because the person was very open and dynamic, and I saw a lot of common

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