
Classroom Observation Paper

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The children I have observed were adolescents and were going through the beginning stages of puberty. I used my knowledge about concrete operations to observe the students rational thinking and logical thought. For example a student was given a task to do their assign class work without any socializing with his peers. The student who I was observing, noticed his peers were talking during the assignment. He took the decision upon himself to look around the classroom and began to socialize with his peers. This particular student made his decision by using his rational/ logical which was influenced by his peers. He knew the assignment involved not socialize with his peers but he saw the others were talking around him, he then began to do the same. …show more content…

First the teacher identified what the students already knew by identifying the prior knowledge which was copying notes on the board. The teacher used their skill of copying notes on a piece of paper from the board through introducing new concepts such as filling the blank. In order for them to fill in the blank they must focus their attention and follow along with the lecture. Next, the teacher build their knowledge through scaffolding; the scaffolding she provided helped students move from what they already knew to what they should know by the end of class. The answers for the fill in the blanks were in her lecture and she provided bright colors in her lecture to grasp their attention. The colors helped the students identify the fill in the blank answers for their cornell notes. By the end of class, students were able to write a summary based on what they learned during the lecture using cornell notes. She provided the answers through her teaching but it was their responsibility to place where the answers belonged. Using the scaffolding process she integrated guided practice in the lesson plans. Students were able to connect their new learning to their prior knowledge. Through applying the

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