
Classroom Observation Paper

Decent Essays

The classroom that I visited was a 8th grade special needs classroom. That is a special need classroom meaning all students has some types of disability. One of the child that is the highest distraction to the entire class is with ADHD. His name is Moses, he is very hyper in classroom. It is very difficult to make him put on the chair. There is an aide besides the main teacher but it quite doesn’t help sometimes because he gets really really hyper. However, one positive side about this child is that he is very intelligent and knows his stuffs. It doesn’t take him much time to process the lesson or information. She brought a bouncy band chair for him but it doesn’t work at all. She told me while the interview that, he knows that he …show more content…

I didn't know he had autism until she told me. However, when everytime he sees me, he smirks and smile, I don’t know why. He is very shy and not comfortable with outsiders. He doesn’t even talk in classroom and he is very quiet but he does his works. The teacher comes every certain amount of times to check up on him if he is doing the right one. For math, she gives him math problems on a mathematical websites on a computer. He keeps the worksheet she provides to everyone but he does maths in online for the entire class. According to Moreno, two ways to promote the learning of exceptional students are, “Use visual aides for learning” and “Use small-group activities”. (Moreno 56) For other subjects, she put the class in groups so, they can interact. Because she puts the group based on knowing each student. She knows who talks more and who doesn’t. So, when she put them in group, the talkative student can make them to interactive with one another. This way it's developing his communication skills. She uses images and videos in her lessons so, he can learn them by visualizing them. It makes the materials easier for him to process in order to learn and also she said the students find it more enjoyable when they see those funny pictures and

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