
Clemmie Sue's Analysis

Decent Essays

In the rural southern town of Flat Holler, one of its sixty-four residents, Clemmie Sue Jarvis, who stands 4 feet 3 and looks as if she weighs less than a hummingbird, turned fifty-nine last spring. The locals admire her vivacious disposition and know that while their existence is mundane, Clemmie Sue’s is far from it. By late Saturday afternoon, the roadways in Flat Holler have endured four days of intense rain and another torrential rainstorm is threatening the town. The ominous gray clouds overhead might daunt the townspeople, but not Clemmie Sue, who is hell bent on reaching the home of her dear friend, Estelle Louise Button, before they rip a seam. Her petite foot, therefore, is heavy on the accelerator of her rusty, worn out Chevy pickup, kept mobile with a roll of duct tape, a large bottle of Elmer’s glue and a shout out to God when needed. When she turns onto Millers Way a narrow two-lane country road, on which Estelle Louise’s home is located, instead of reducing her speed she increases, because she knows the road as well as her favorite song, the Star Spangle Banner. …show more content…

As a result, the pickup spun clockwise and then counterclockwise at the same time it travels down the middle of the narrow road and then it slithers sideways and abruptly stops. Coincidentally, the truck misses by inches a large deep pool of thick muddy water in which stood Estelle Louise’s rural mailbox dead center and less than thirty feet directly behind it was her tumbledown doublewide trailer. Despite what had just befallen Clemmie Sue, she chortles, shakes her head, and then drives away, as if nothing had

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