
Clinical Perspectives Of Acute Pancreatitis And Incretin Based Drugs

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Incretin based drugs have proven to be effective glucose-lowering agents (Butler et al, 2013). But there have been concerns with respect to the long-term consequences of using such therapies. The issues raised were regarding their causal relationship with acute pancreatitis (AP). There are clearly conflicting evidence that have been presented in preclinical studies and in epidemiologic studies which suggest an association which may or may not be a causal relationship between these drugs and AP. (Butler et al, 2013)
In order to have better understanding, data from the manufacturers is reviewed below which will also show whether the manufacturers of these products behaved ethically as well as what needs to be reconsider with respect to the use of incretin-based therapies because of the growing concern of potential risk of AP. Hence risk management plans will be discussed below. (Butler et al, 2013) CLINICAL PERSPECTIVES OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS AND INCRETIN BASED DRUGS
Meier & Nauck (2014) reported meta-analyses for the available data describing pancreatitis events in phase 3 trials for DPP-4 inhibitors and GLP-1R agonists. The odds ratio for acute pancreatitis with a GLP-1R agonist was 1.39, whereas for exposure to a DPP-4 inhibitor, it was 1.07, however the total number of patients studied and absolute event rates were small (2.1 events of pancreatitis per 1,000 patient years), greater numbers of subjects followed for longer periods of time would be required to increase the

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