
Cognitive Science and the law

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Reaction paper to Cognitive science and the law

If someone has seen a crime taken place, and they are either the victim, or a witness; then that person would be under pressure by authorities to remember what has taken place in order for a case to be resolved. This article was interesting to me in that I did not know all that took place when doing an investigation when the police are trying to identify a criminal involving a crime that had just been committed. This article reminds me of what we have been reading in the book concerning short term, and working memory and that a person can only remember so much if they do not work at keeping it in their minds.
Scientist are trying to use cognitive science to relate with human …show more content…

Then when it is time to recall what had happened; their memory could be blocked because they only remember certain things, and certain people. I think that peoples memory can fade with time making them lose detail and accuracy of what really when on, and a person could mix up facts, and ideas of what had happened because they were either scared for their own lives, and did not really focus on the situation at hand, or they blanked out, and only saw certain scenes.
When reading about the latent fingerprint evidence I did not know that a person’s fingerprints could be mixed up with someone else’s; thus causing them to be accused of a crime that they did not commit. This latent fingerprint description surprised me on how the police officials perform taking fingerprints on crime scenes, and in the different forms that they can take them. What makes me wonder is that how can two different people’s fingerprints become concluded as the same person by running it through a machine that’s supposed to know one person from another. As with the case of the two men in Madrid who was mixed up because of faulty latent prints that were taken, and run through a fingerprint identification system (IAFIS); at the time of the crime scene; mixed up two people’s identity that were not even close in identity. This puts up questions that either computers, or humans can both make mistakes, and that both

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