
College Is Vital For Life

Better Essays

Here in the 21st century, college is vital to one’s life in order in having a chance at being successful. Without college, many families will undergo suffering because the providers are forced to slave away at low end paying jobs. But how exactly can people have a chance at having a higher degree if it causes them to lose an arm and a leg? College not only requires a lot of one’s time, but also causes most people to fall in debt with all of the loans they take out in order to just want a better future for themselves. Instead of the educational system and government allowing those who want to attend college be able to learn at a low cost or no cost at all they watch students struggle everyday to make ends meet. No one should have to be fifty years old still trying to pay off the money they lent for school at the age of twenty. But how exactly can this ongoing, devastating problem be fixed? Well, obviously not by the push of a button, but the blame can be set and fixed by the government themselves. Many studies show how children end up with debt, though they may not have a job they are still expected to pay it back or receive a knock on their door by the IRS. How is it that a student will attend a four year university to be able to get their future underway, but besides a paper that states their degree they also get mailed a bill that automatically puts them into debt? During college, students spend most of their time doing some kind of work. Whether it is homework, work

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