
Collumbus And Christopher Columbus

Decent Essays

In 1492, Christopher Columbus, Italian-born but is funded by a Spanish monarch, set sail across the Atlantic ocean hoping to find a direct passage from Europe to India and Asia. Instead of finding a sailing route to India and Asia, he instead came upon America. He mistook America for India and named the citizens he found “Indians”. He then proceeded to sail back to the Spanish monarch where they decided to fund three more voyages (CCHC). However, one question over time has arisen. Why would a Spanish monarch support Italian-born Columbus instead of Spanish explorers? The answer is God, glory, and gold.

There are many reasons as to why the Spanish monarchy funded Columbus, but it all can be divided into three main reasons: God, glory, gold. The Spanish monarch is rich in gold and is a super-power country (QINW). By funding Columbus, the monarchy would lose virtually nothing. Actually, if successful, the results would be vice-versa in the long run. The cost to fund Columbus’ voyage will only cost Spain the amount of money it would cost to host a small noble at court. However, if Columbus was successful, merchants will save money as they will not require as much resources to make the trip. If Columbus found a faster and much safer route to the Spice Lands, the name given to Asia and India due to the high amount and variety of spices used there, the Spanish monarchy will save money over time. This would also help bolster the economy of Spain as merchants can travel

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