
Colonial American Identity

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In Britain’s eyes, Colonial America was nothing but another piece of land that earned them money, but as it began to be acknowledged by other powerful countries for its self-sufficient lifestyle, it shaped an identity, ultimately becoming the strong, independent nation, it is today. However, it was anything but easy for America to form in the first place. From 1765 to 1783, the American Revolution took place and was overall, the process used to overthrow the oppressive British and purge them from America. Britain’s establishment of harsh policies concerning many freedoms, political ideologies, and economic rights obligated the colonists to fight for their independence. The American Colonies thought that they were ready and able to create a society with the power of unity, supported by democracy and economic prosperities. The American revolution was eventually instigated by the identity of American colonists of which evolved through the formation of unity, political, and economic influences.
It was necessary that the settlements set aside their disparities unite amid the French and Indian War when they were aligning with the British. In 1754, the first year of the French and Indian War, Benjamin Franklin's acclaimed "Join or Die" cartoon was distributed in Philadelphia. The drawing, which demonstrates the colonies as a feature of a cut up snaked, truly prompted unification. Unity among all the American states amid the French and Indian War, where the British and the American

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