
Columbia River Basin Research Paper

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Multiple Japanese settlements started to increase in rustic communities of the Columbia River Basin, despite the Issei’s harsh labor in the early 20th century, the discrimination led to growing anti-Japanese arrogances on the West Coast, even the feeling had developed against the seeming Chinese competition. Nampa, and Caldwell Idaho drove out the Japanese workers this led to white mobs around Coeur d’ Alene and in Poland to threaten the Japanese railroad workers. Pressures led to the (“Gentleman’s Agreement”) between the U.S. which effectually limited the numbers of laborers that could travel from Japan in 1908. Now after WWI, some nativist protestors plus the Hood River Anti-Alien Association, concerned states to pass laws prohibiting these Japanese immigrants from leasing or owning land. At a federal level the National Origins Act of 1924 restricted few European immigration and in essence excluded all Japanese immigration after the law passing. The Colombia River Basin Issei clashed against prejudiced actions and regulation through civic pleas and the courts, claiming on their position of “hardworking”. While struggling to seek places for refuge, Japanese American Associations and culture type groups sought to keep bonds with Japan. The group decided to “foster” …show more content…

After this they bought WWI bonds and embraced the English language barrier. Hood River Japanese contradicted charges thrown at them by the Anti-Alien Association and American Legion, this established their vow to the valley by refining the presence of their homes to limit further immigration to the area. The Japanese Farmers’ Association subsidized over a thousand dollars to the Oregon Japanese Association’s efforts to halt the anti-Japanese

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