
Companies Should Receive Parental Leave

Satisfactory Essays

Some companies are approving parental leave, even for dads. Besides the mother, the father needs to take time off and take care of his wife and newborn. The father should not be required to go to work if he has to stay up all night with his child. Moreover, he should be eligible to receive parental leave benefits.

Currently, there are some companies that have started giving parental leave for dads. Before this practice, the parent who commonly received paid leave was the pregnant mother and she had to work 40 hours a week for more than a year. It is important for everyone to get assistance when they need it, especially a mother who has given birth. Sometimes a father will be fired from his job because his company does not offer any parental leave. A mother who is working less than 30 hours is now able to get parental leave with full benefits. In addition to mothers and fathers, foster parents and parents who adopt are also receiving the benefits of parental leave. …show more content…

To be eligible for these benefits, the mothers must have worked at least 20 hours a week for more than two years at the company. The mothers can get six weeks of paid leave and 12 weeks of unpaid leave, which is a federal regulation. However, other parents can only receive up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave. Parents other than the birth mother, such as the father, still cannot receive full benefits. The only benefit the father can receive is that he can leave his job to take care of his new baby without the risk of being fired. However, fathers’ job titles are not always secure. For that reason, some men are not willing to risk their job position, and thus they do not like to take parental

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