
Comparative Essay- the Great Gatsby

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Behind every great man lies a great women. In some cases the women herself may not always be good or ideal according to society. Nevertheless it seems to add character to the man,and also influences his actions and maybe even his morals. In Shakespearean literature,Shakespeare tends to use people to develop certain characters throughout the play. In
Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is the person with the most influence on Romeo. This influence allows him to develop as a character and also helps develop the play. This is also evident in Hamlet
And Ophelia. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway's realization of the equality of man altered through his origin sets him up as a morally sound standard, until confronted by
Jordan Baker. The …show more content…

The conscious part of Dunny's personality is brought out by Liesl. Jung states that,"Ones self is composed of a group of several different kinds of psychic energy, each component of which has a different function in balancing the total self." Liesl has a small part in Fifth Business yet play a vital role in the novel. It could be argued that the end of the novel is a result of what she says to
Dunny. This would not be so if she did not play a vital role in the developing of Dunny's character. "You underestimate yourself Ramsay. Are you not the writer of A Hundred Saints
For Travelers? And Forgotten Saints of the Tyrol? And Celtic Saints of Britain and Europe? When Eisengrim mentioned last night that you were in the audience...I wanted to meet you at once. A distinguished hagiographer does not often come our way."(pg. 212 ln 12) Dunny's reaction was much like Nick's, but nevertheless, would be deeply affected. "Many people when they are flattered seek immediately to show that themselves as being very hard-headed, to conceal the fact they have taken the bait. I am one of them." (pg. 212 ln 31) At the end of the chapter
Dunny will find his morals and spiritual value in the clutches of Liesl. Liesl confronts Dunny with the truth about life and about his function as "Fifth Business", and she also leads him to his conscious and recognition of his spiritual life. These actions cause Dunny to fill his "spiritual and emotional void," and as a

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